safe, secure & insured
We protect your jewelry & valuables. Every customer gets FREE FedEx safe & insured shipping.
Finding a reputable buyer for silver jewelry and other pieces can be difficult, given so many buyers are tight-lipped about their methods of operation and the prices they offer to their clients. But when you make use of GoldFellow, it’s not so hard! Our team of expert jewelry buyers is experienced in purchasing items made from all sorts of metals and precious stones and is transparent about how items are priced, how to get cash for silver, and how the entire process will work.
If you are looking to get cash for silver, then be sure to get the most out of your pieces by trusting our expert team. In the below overview of the process, we explain the process of selling your silver online to our team. It was written to make the entire experience more understandable and transparent.
Before covering how much you will be receiving in cash for silver pieces you send in, we will first cover how the process will work and why it was designed as such. The buying process is done in four easy steps and is a convenient and efficient way of selling your unwanted jewelry.
Step 1: Collect all unwanted jewelry or other items that are made out of silver that you may have in your possession. Ensure that it does not contain anything that you wish to hold on to. Only include items that you are completely ready to part with.
Step 2: Send in your valuables through our free and insured (for up to $2,500) FedEx Express Saver service. You can even track your package every step of the way to give you peace of mind.
Step 3: Once the piece(s) you have sent to us arrives, we will begin the process of weighing and determining the quality. This will all be done under a surveillance camera to ensure that you are aware of everything that is going on. Once done, our team will post your itemized settlement online, and you will be electronically notified through email.
Step 4: After everything is in order, you can log in to your GoldFellow account to see the amount you have been paid. From there, simply select your method of payment - wire transfer, PayPal, or eCheck - and you will be paid immediately.
You can decline the payment at the last step, and our team will be able to cancel the transaction and return the piece to you. This method is easy to follow and will never leave you in the dark when you are trying to sell sterling silver or any other form of jewelry.
After reading these steps, it is natural to wonder, when I get cash for silver pieces sent in, how much will my payout be?
Now that you know how to sell silver items online to our team and to easily get cash for silver pieces, it is time to evaluate the different factors that could affect the price of your piece. The price tends to be affected during moments of supply and demand changes, stable economic growth, or downturn based on speculation from industry professionals.
If you want to get the most cash when you sell old jewelry, it is important to be well informed of any changes going on that could make your piece worth more or less. Keeping an eye out for market changes and selling the item at a moment where it would be worth the most is recommended. This is the best way to sell silverware, silver jewelry, and other items that are made out of silver.
Our team wants all members involved in a transaction to leave completely satisfied with their experience. That’s what makes us the best online silver and gold buyers in the industry.
If you are interested in learning more about how you can get the most out of old and unwanted jewelry when looking to sell online, get started by selling to GoldFellow! If you have any questions relating to prices or the process in which the transaction will occur, feel free to contact our team. We will respond with answers to anything that is not clear or provide you with any clarification.
Interested in insight from our team of professional silver and gold buyers relating to everything about the jewelry industry? Be sure to take a look at our professional jewelry blog and get information from professionals in the industry.
We protect your jewelry & valuables. Every customer gets FREE FedEx safe & insured shipping.
They make this process extremely clear and easy. And, most importantly, you can trust them.Roger P.
Los Angeles, CA
We work hard to maintain our "A +" rating from the Better Business Bureau.