Knowing how to sell a diamond ring is about much more than knowing what places to consider as buyers and understanding what the general price of other miscellaneous diamonds are; it is about knowing what you’re dealing with in terms of product. When you’re going to sell your diamond ring, you should know a variety of things related to the piece so that you know what sort of rock you’re dealing with and how to navigate the process when you’re selling to jewelry buyers. GoldFellow is a team of expert diamond, silver, and gold buyers that have years of experience in the field and have been a part of the selling process for countless people who are looking to sell diamond rings for cash. But more importantly, we are a team that wants all parties to be treated with fairness, and for all transactions to be transparent, it is because of this that our team has created this article. Here you will learn what to consider about the piece when you’re selling a diamond ring online and what separates us from the rest of the pack as jewelry buyers!
Sell Diamonds Knowing What You’re Selling
When you’re in the process of trying to know what you’ll be getting when you sell your diamond ring for cash, there are a few things about the stone itself that you should know that could drastically affect its price and what you will get for it. If you’re going to sell your diamond rings and be well-informed, the first thing to keep in mind is what carat the diamond is so that you can properly describe it to sellers and know its worth personally.
Carats work off of the weight of the diamond, meaning that when you sell your diamond ring, the heavier, the better! A carat is relatively easy to calculate if you have a scale that can weigh in grams, with one carat being equal to about 0.2 grams of weight for the stone. There is also the point score system to factor in as well; this is used to measure the percentage of carats present in a diamond; you will realize when you sell diamond rings that practically no rock weighs exactly a carat or two. The point score system is thankfully also pretty straightforward and easy to follow for people unfamiliar with the concept. Think of it as pieces of a carat, meaning that a 75-point scale means it contains ¾ of a carat. Of course, when you’re going to sell your diamond rings, you should know more than just the face value of a diamond.
Other Factors to Consider When Selling Your Diamond Ring
Carat and point scale ratings are very important to know when you are going to sell your diamond ring; there are other factors to consider alongside these two when conducting a sale. The quality of the diamond is measured in more than just carats and points; the damage done to the stone over time, which is unlikely but does happen occasionally, and the set that houses the diamond should also be considered. Damage to the stone itself actively takes pieces of a carat off of the piece; along with this, the set and what it is made from should also be considered. Gold set diamond rings are going to be worth more than silver ones for obvious reasons. Knowing these two important factors before selling could make a difference when trying to settle on whether a price is fair or not. You should also always know where to sell your diamond ring; using a trusted buyer with plenty of experience and a good reputation is paramount to your satisfaction after a sale!
Selling Jewelry Online Made Easy
If you want to sell your diamond ring at an amazing price and also want the experience to be easy-to-follow and straightforward, then be sure to get started with GoldFellow today and receive excellent prices you can be satisfied with! Our team makes it so that when you sell old jewelry, every party involved in the transaction remains happy with the results and looks forward to working together again. If you have any other questions related to how you can sell jewelry online to our team for an amazing price, then feel free to reach out to our team and ask any of the burning questions you may have. If you want to read other articles that provide helpful information for when you sell your jewelry, then be sure to take a look at our online jewelry buyers blog to get insights directly from trusted professionals in the industry.