Despite the beautiful pieces people purchase in their lifetimes as gold accessories, there remains a worry in the back of many people’s minds. They worry that the pieces they are purchasing could be made of fake gold instead of the real thing! Buying a fake is a horrible thing that can happen to anyone and should be avoided at all costs. GoldFellow, a company of expert gold buyers, has created this guide to the harms and ways to identify fake gold jewelry should it ever make its way to you. Safety in purchasing is a must. This guide is one of the best ways to ensure that everyone gets what they paid for.
Why Fake Jewelry Should be Avoided
Fake gold chains, watches, rings, earrings, and more are floating around the gold-selling and buying market. Many may not even know that they have artificial pieces and could walk around, never knowing that they have been tricked! There are many harms to the practice of fake jewelry vending, namely the issue of overcharging and quality control problems. Fake designer jewelry is often sold as a way to mimic the real thing and, in the process, mimic the prices that would be charged for such an item. People could end up paying a lot of money for a piece worth a fraction of the price. Robbery and fraud are the only descriptive words that come to mind for this. Fake gold jewelry is often also poorly made, with tarnishing and health concerns stemming from them. A faded gold that seems to be turning more and more steel-colored will no longer carry the same look that a genuine gold piece would. Similarly, people who are allergic to fake jewelry materials could constantly experience outbreaks and not even know why.
How to Spot Fake Gold Jewelry
Fake gold jewelry can be hard to spot at a glance, but even the best fake jewelry has issues with it that would not normally be seen in jewelry crafted from real precious metal. Looking to spot fake gold chains, watches, rings, and more? Well, just be on the lookout for the following indicators:
Weight does not match up to what it should be. Gold is heavier than it looks. A thick chain that weighs next to nothing isn’t likely to be real.
Check the piece for a Karat stamp. Most genuine gold will be stamped with something along the lines of 14K or 10K, an indicator of the piece’s purity. The lack of this stamp will require further examination of the gold.
Gold is not magnetic. Many of the materials that go into making faux jewelry are and fake gold jewelry will likely stick to magnets in a way that gold never would.
Scratch the gold piece on a penny. The real thing will not scratch copper. Fake gold will. Copper is a great way to spot a genuine or recreated gold jewelry piece.
Sell Your Jewelry to the Buyers You Can Trust
If you are looking to sell old jewelry to a reputable buyer who will pay a fair price while providing an easy process of doing business, look no further than GoldFellow! Our experts will buy any piece so long as it is genuine. Get in touch with our team today to learn more or read some of our other articles to get further insights from the professionals.