Why Do Jewelry Trends Change So Often?

Why Do Jewelry Trends Change So Often?

If there is anything guaranteed in the jewelry industry, it is that fresh trends in jewelry will come and go. Changing with the times is the name of the game. Just take a look at the 80’s jewelry trends and how it compares to today, and you will start to get a better image of just how much trending jewelry will change.

To make the trends in the industry more understandable, the team at GoldFellow has created this quick guide to how trends have changed, why they’ve changed, and what the latest trends are. Our team of expert gold buyers is very interested in what trends jewelry lovers will follow and would love to share some of the information we’ve gathered over the years.

In Trend Jewelry Changes Often

Have you ever taken a look at the 70’s jewelry trends that dominated the market almost 50 years ago? Large gold peace medallions on chains and thick gold rope chains for men, experimental designs with varying success for women, and much more. You would likely have to do a double-take if someone were to pass you in the street wearing such items today, but in those days, that was the peak of style.

Jewelry trends are like any other form of clothing and accessory in that they have clear indicators of the time they are from. Some jewelry is timeless, just as clothing such as three-piece suits can be. Larger and more experimental pieces tend to age themselves out after a few years. Trending jewelry is just like trending clothing styles. Fashion comes and goes, with a little portion staying with us and becoming a part of the mainstream culture for decades to come. It is only natural to wonder, then, what jewelry trend will stick with us in the future?

New Jewelry Trends Today

Jewelry trends today are a far cry from the pieces you would see in the past in many ways. At the same time, they still hold onto some of the more time-tested traditional tastes of time past. Men are wearing pearl necklaces in a way we simply did not see before. They usually layer them with a silver or gold necklace that is not meant to draw too much attention. Women, on the other hand, have gravitated towards larger pieces that mic styles, tones, and colors.

It will be interesting to see how these trends will adapt to stay with the times or disappear like so many others from previous decades. Only time will tell which become cultural mainstays and which become another one of the dated jewelry trends of yesteryear. If you are looking to offload some pieces of jewelry to get the latest trends, be sure to get your money's worth by selling to a reputable buyer.

Sell Old Jewelry to Our Reliable Team

Looking to sell your jewelry? GoldFellow’s team of reputable gold buying experts is here to help get you your money’s worth! Our prices are fair, and our process is easy to follow. If you are interested in our service, be sure to get in touch with our team to learn more or read some of our other articles to get further insights from industry professionals.

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